Dragon Eyed is an action RPG brawler with online features such as party play, PVP and many more. Beautiful 3D graphics and story. Dragon Eyed is an online game so money mod is not possible at all. Clear stages and earn rewards,use those rewards to upgrade your stuffs and armors. Dragon Eyed MOD APK 1.1.4
Beautiful Story
Action RPG hack and slash brawler
Epic Equipment and gears
Epic skills to master
Endless varieties of stages
PVP defeat your opponents in PVP for more rewards
Requires Android: 4.1 and Up
Version: 1.1.4
Nama Game APK | Dragon Eyed |
Ukuran Game APK | 90MB+ |
Requirements | 4.0.3 (KitKat) atau lebih tinggi |
Mode | Online |
Versi Game APK | Version: 1.1.4 |
Kategory Game | Action Rpg |
What’s New: v 1.1.4 What’s In The MOD: | Patch notes 1. Adding New Contents “Rifts” 2. A new Hero ‘Carano’ will be updated. (The Hero is obtainable only in Rifts) 3. Battle * You will be able to select and drag a skill to the targeted enemy. * X2 speed option will be removed. 4. Guild Search function will be added. 5. Adding more rewards per specific login time 6. The character name and level will be displayed on the Lobby. 7. Game loading(Checking The Data Files) optimization 8. Bug fixes God Mode Damage Increased |
Tested On | Android |